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Resource Center
We believe in providing as much information as possible to our clients so they can make informed decisions. We've added some FAQs that discuss the more common questions we receive on HIPAA Privacy, Security and the Onmibus Rule to our website, in the hope that they may help you.
For your convenience, we have also provided a list of the federal and state labor law posters that are required for each workplace under the U.S. and State Department of Labor regulations.
Please select the page you wish to view below.

HIPAA Privacy, Security and the Omnibus Rule
HIPAA has caused a lot of confusion and anxiety to those in the medical and dental professions. Here, we aim to clear up a little of that confusion. Please feel free to take advantage of the skills we have in this area and call on us for additional help.

OSHA Safety
Whether you are new to OSHA management or have gathered a wealth of experience, there are always OSHA issues that inevitably come up. These FAQs may help you. Please call us for additional information.
Federal and State Labor Law Posters
The poster links we provide go directly to the federal and state poster pages. They are provided free of charge by the government, and you only need to download, print, and post them in an area of the workplace where all employees are able to view them. Why pay for something readily available online?
We provide a list of required posters on the following webpage, together with a version description. Some may not be available through direct links, in which case you may need to contact the state or federal department directly. We have provided contact information.
We make every effort to be sure the page links function correctly, but in the rare case that a link becomes broken please call 877-222-2027 to let us know.