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OSHA Safety
In addition to CDC / NIOSH recommendations and risk management / best practices, there are numerous regulatory Standards relating to OSHA for medical, dental, veterinarian and funeral home organizations. Depending on your needs, they are included in your OSHA program.


The Bloodborne Pathogen and Needlestick Safety Act (Exposure Control / Hepatitis B Vaccination / Post-Exposure Evaluations)
The Hazard Communication Standard and Globally Harmonized System of 2012
Workplace Hazard Assessments
Exposure Control / Environmental Infection Prevention
Hazardous / Chemotherapeutic Drug Safety
Walking / Working Surfaces
Tuberculosis Control and Prevention
Latex Allergies
Workplace Violence
Compressed Gases
Flammable Liquids
Waste Management and Hazardous Waste
Emergency Action Plans / Fire and Life Safety
Personal Protective Equipment / Eyewashes
Medical and First Aid Requirements
Laser and Cryogenic Safety Protocols
Workplace Cleanliness
Employee Restrooms
Asbestos and Mold
Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records
Ethylene Oxide
Ionizing Radiation
Managment of Employee Illnesses and Injuries / Recordkeeping
Handling an OSHA Investigation
Dental organizations must be aware of and follow the The CDC Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Healthcare Settings, in addition to:
The Bloodborne Pathogen and Needlestick Safety Act (Exposure Control / Hepatitis B Vaccination / Post-Exposure Evaluations)
The Hazard Communication Standard and Globally Harmonized System of 2012
Workplace Hazard Assessments
Exposure Control / Environmental Infection Prevention
Walking / Working Surfaces
Tuberculosis Control and Prevention
Latex Allergies
Workplace Violence
Compressed Gases / Anesthetic Gas Safety / Nitrous Oxide
Flammable Liquids
Waste Management and Hazardous Waste
Emergency Action Plans / Fire and Life Safety
Personal Protective Equipment / Eyewashes
Medical and First Aid Requirements
Laser Safety
Machine Guarding
Workplace Cleanliness
Employee Restrooms
Asbestos and Mold
Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records
Ethylene Oxide
Ionizing Radiation
Management of Employee Illnesses and Injuries / Recordkeeping
Handling an OSHA Investigation

Although veterinarians are not technically covered by the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, some basics are covered in our training sessions because of the risk of injuries involving human blood.
The Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions for Zoonotic Disease Prevention in Veterinary Personnel
The Hazard Communication Standard and Globally Harmonized System of 2012
Workplace Hazard Assessments
Exposure Control / Environmental Infection Prevention
Walking / Working Surfaces
Hazardous Drugs / Chemotherapeutic Drug Safety
Compressed Gases / Anesthetic Gases
Latex Allergies
Flammable Liquids
Waste Management and Hazardous Waste
Workplace Violence
Emergency Action Plans / Fire and Life Safety
Personal Protective Equipment / Eyewashes
Medical and First Aid
Laser and Cryogenic Safety Protocols
Workplace Cleanliness
Employee Restrooms
Asbestos and Mold
Machine Guarding
Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records
Ethylene Oxide
Ionizing radiation
Handling an OSHA Investigation
Management of Employee Illnesses and Injuries / Recordkeeping